Resonance- Practical Pedagogies, Toulouse 2015

Resonance from Practical Pedagogies, Toulouse 2015

‘Take homes’ and ‘what next?’ are a common feature of attending workshops and conferences. How do you synthesise the learning that has happened and bring it back to your community?

I like to sketchnote at conferences, it helps me to grab ideas (thanks @Braddo for inspiration). I use Paper & Pencil by FiftyThree.

Exploring the cool new features has led me to modify my technique and given me a new way to spotlight main points. It’s this idea that I have used during workshops, sofa time & post conference to discover what resonated with me throughout the experience.

How do concepts shared connect to my own thinking?

Which elements from our own (I presented with @ccrannell) workshops resonated with the emerging themes?

Take a gallery tour through the sketchnotes below, connect with your own experience- what resonates with you?

Resonating themes

  • Create a prototyping culture
  • Plan extensively, rich learning experiences
  • Nuture curiosity through exploration and play
  • Open to serendipity
  • Find your band and jam together (innovation isn’t a one person crusade)

Ewan McIntosh @ewanmcintosh guided the way for the focus on resonating themes. By asking educators to define personal objectives, strategy and tactics he opened a space in which think by design.

My objective… to inspire others to see the world a little bit differently

My strategy… provide rich, hands on learning experiences

My tactics… test, re-iterate, test, modify…

Supporting this tactic, is having the opportunity to test ideas as workshops as a presenter.

We explored Genius Hour and how mobile learning can make thinking visible inquiring into how utilising thinking routines together with mobile tools can support reflection and lead to new understandings.

What if educators had their own genius hour?

Learning should be like a museum experience. Thoughtfully designed, rich experiences that fill us with awe and wonder leading us on a journey of discovery

Learning with technology, making thinking visible

Thank you to @russeltar and team for a dynamite event, enthusiastic participants,  @ewanmcintosh for guiding our thinking, @ccrannell for creative collaboration and @Mr_BRouse for putting the dent in the sofa during our mindful breaks which provided an anchor to the whole event (and hopefully many memes in the future).

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